Brennan Dunn – Double Your Freelancing Rate

Brennan Dunn – Double Your Freelancing Rate

Double Your Freelancing Rate – Make the transition from “Hired-Gun Freelancer” to Highly-Valued Consultant in less than 30 days

This Course is For You If…

  • You’re starting or run a freelancing business, or you run a small agency
  • You don’t really have a process for how you qualify and pitch new clients
  • You aren’t systematic about how you price your work
  • You don’t price on value (instead, you charge the “going rate” or whatever feels right)
  • You often struggle to justify why your clients should hire you

What’s inside Double Your Freelancing Rate?

  • Module 1 – Understanding Your Clients
    What do your clients want?
    Why are they willing to part their hard earned money on freelancers like you?
    How can you truly understand what your clients need, and the value of your clients’ projects?
  • Module 2 – Your Rate: Groundwork
    Why do most freelancers charge so little, and few charge a lot?
    In this module, we’ll dive into pricing theory and the science behind money as it relates to consulting.
  • Module 3 – Pricing Structures for Your Projects
    We’ll explore the most popular pricing options available to you and share our recommendations based on your specific consultancy and clients.
  • Module 4 – Determining Your Rate
    Most freelancers don’t know how to set their rates.
    They either pull a number out of thin air or rely on faulty calculators and market rates.
    In this module, we’ll show you how to confidently price your services to support your dream business.
  • Module 5 – How To Close The Deal
    This module covers everything you need to know about pitching a client.
    We’ll look into how you should write your proposals, how to package your services, and what to do when clients push back.
  • Module 6 – The Path Forward
    What’s next now that you’re charging premium prices?
    We’ll look into how you can start productizing your consulting, raising your rates on your existing clients, and building your brand.

Name of Course: Brennan Dunn – Double Your Freelancing Rate | Release Date: 2024

Sale Page:

Author Price: $297 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

Download link hidden, please LOGIN or PURCHASE A MEMBERSHIP to view.


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