Richard Wonders – Rainmaker Novation 3.0 [Special Offer]

Richard Wonders – Rainmaker Novation 3.0

Rainmaker Novation 3.0 – For Active Wholesalers Looking To Close More Deals Consistently…

Discover The 3-Part Rainmaker Novation Strategy That 329+ Wholesalers Are Using To Turn DEAD Deals Into $18K, $40K, And Even Up To $95K Paychecks!

Without spending more on marketing, hiring extra staff, or doing high-risk property remodeling.

This is for YOU if you are:

  • an active wholesaler who wants to monetize more leads & earn bigger fees
  • looking for a reliable, compelling closing process that has a high success rate
  • are willing to plug-n-play the novation strategy that can easily add multiple 6 figures to your bottom line

Here’s how “Rainmaker Novation 3.0” works:

Part #1 – Deal Acquisition

This part is about getting the property under contract as quickly & efficiently as possible.

Here you’ll learn:

  • Discovery Phase – Positioning yourself as a ‘glorified information gatherer’ so the seller happily cooperates,
  • Anchor Phase – Setting REALISTIC expectations for the cash offer so you end up with a happy seller & a quick profitable sale,
  • Delivery Phase – Using the ‘white glove’ experience to ensure a consistently high closing percentage on that first offer pitch.

Part #2 – Leverage Experts To Sell Your Deal

This part is about using local experts to find the end buyer for you, saving you hours of time and struggle.

Here you’ll learn:

  • Why listing the property on a flat fee brokerage is a five-person job,
  • How hiring a local realtor can remove 90% of the work from your plate,
  • How to choose the right realtor that will price the property effectively & ensure a quick profitable sale.

Part #3 – Sealing The File & Cashout

This part walks you through the process from where you have the end buyer until the deal is successfully closed,

Which eliminates confusion and diminishes the need for reflection about the final steps.

Here you’ll learn how to navigate paperwork, title companies, inspections…

And get the file to close as quickly as possible with the least amount of risk and money spent.

Name of Course: Richard Wonders – Rainmaker Novation 3.0 | Release Date: 2024

Sale Page:

Author Price: $4997 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

Download link hidden, please LOGIN or PURCHASE A MEMBERSHIP to view.


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