Alex Brogan – Newsletter Mastery

Alex Brogan – Newsletter Mastery

Newsletter Mastery – Start, scale, and monetise a 5-figure subscriber newsletter (without leaving your day job).

Perhaps you’ve dabbled in newsletters before. Each time, the initial buzz wears off quickly. Obstacles mount.

The exciting project of sharing your voice and insights with the world becomes daunting.

And, all too soon, you find yourself without the momentum or growth you envisioned.

But this is because you were navigating it alone.

You attempted to launch and grow your newsletter without a clear path or support system.

But Newsletter Mastery addresses this directly.

You’ll move forward with tactics used by hundreds of other successful Newsletter operators to launch, grow, and monetize their newsletters effectively.

This equips you with everything you need to create your own successful Newsletter business.

What’s inside Newsletter Mastery?

We’ll conquer two categories of failure modes that beginners and advanced operators face in Newsletter Mastery:

Failure Mode 1: Starting

  • ‍Problem 1: Not setting the correct expectations (thinking it’ll happen overnight)
    Solution: Commit to a minimum of 6-months with 10-15 hours / week before you judge your outcomes.
  • ‍Problem 2: Worrying you don’t have anything novel to say
    Solution: Borrow credibility to earn credibility.
  • Problem 3: Worrying what other people will say
    Solution: Remember the Spotlight Effect. Keep the benefits front of mind. Remember that we all die.

Failure Mode 2: Endurance

  • ‍Problem 1: Not actually having the bandwidth to commit
    Solution: Make sure your desire to start matches your ability to start.
  • ‍Problem 2: Not having accountability
    Solution: Tell people close to you that you’re committing. Connect with other Newsletter Operators.
  • ‍Problem 3: Not making it enjoyable independent of results
    Solution: Ask the question, “How can I enjoy this independent of my results?”
  • ‍Problem 4: Not re-using old content
    Solution: Re-use content regularly to stay consistent
  • ‍Problem 5: Not creating systems
    Solution: Create your growth, monetization, and engagement systems

Name of Course: Alex Brogan – Newsletter Mastery | Release Date: 2024

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Author Price: $497 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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