Ben Adkins – Animated Agency Funnel Advanced

Ben Adkins – Animated Agency Funnel Advanced

Animated Agency Funnel Advanced – Discover the powerful attention grabber and sales funnel that your Digital Agency can use to always get a response from potential high ticket and recurring clients.

What you’re getting inside Animated Agency Funnel Advanced:

  • Part 1: The Full Animated Agency Funnel Explained.
    Dr Ben will walk you through the 10k foot overview of how this funnel works, why it’s almost impossible for prospects to ignore, and how he turns a simple Facebook Messenger reach out into a Sales Meeting Fast.
  • Part 2: Top Tier Prospecting on Facebook.
    Learn the secrets to finding great clients that are open to high ticket and recurring services.
  • Part 3: How we Create our Animated Attention Getters.
    I’ll walk you through exactly how we create amazing animated social post from scratch that are impossible to ignore (and your perfect customized foot in the door)
  • Part 4: The Prospect outreach Message that gets Meetings.
    I’ll show you the exact message that we send to our prospects to get on their radar, get their full attention, and to get a meeting.
  • Part 5: The Meeting Hook and Selling over Zoom.
    I’ll walk you through the exact sales meeting process that we use to set up a successful meeting, make the client feel super comfortable with us, and close the deal for a high ticket or recurring service on the spot.
  • [Advanced Only]
    Get Dr Ben’s Favorite 10, Done-for-You Animated Agency Funnel Graphics.
  • [Advanced Only]
    Learn how to turn the 10 Animated Templates into your Agency’s Perfect Social Bait for new Clients.

Name of Course: Ben Adkins – Animated Agency Funnel Advanced | Release Date: 2024

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Author Price: $229 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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