Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course – Have you been impacted by the teachings and modelling of Dr. Gabor Maté?

Don’t miss this chance to delve deep into yourself, and experience an introduction to Compassionate Inquiry, a powerful therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté for healing trauma and understanding mental and physical illness.

Who May Apply?

Health professionals and lay-people may take this training.

If you are part of an organization you may also sign up for a group facilitated short course

Since it is self-directed, you can study and integrate at your own pace

You may start it at any time

“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously;

what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them ….”

Summaries of 8 Modules In The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

  • Module 1: Presence, Safety, Attunement
  • Module 2: Triggers, Pain, Shame
  • Module 3: Trauma, Disconnection, Constriction
  • Module 4: Attachment, Adaptation, Addiction
  • Module 5: Children, Family, Responsibility
  • Module 6: Memories, Stories, Beliefs
  • Module 7: Will, Compassion, Forgiveness
  • Module 8: Relationship, Possibility, Change

The training will help your organization to:

  • Develop a common language around care for clients
  • Positively impact your relationship with yourself and your clients
  • Inspire your health professionals to pay attention to self-care
  • Work skillfully in a trauma-informed compassionate manner
  • Network with other organizations to share challenges and develop solutions

Name of Course: Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course | Release Date: 2024

Sale Page:

Author Price: $350 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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