James Wedmore – How to Address and Overcome Any Objection Masterclass

How to Address and Overcome Any Objection Masterclass

How to Address and Overcome Any Objection Masterclass by James Webmore

Use The +12 Proven Language Patterns & Linguistic Strategies to Create Specific Responses That Can Turn Any “No” into a “Hell Yes!”

Why addressING Objections is Responsible for +$40 Million in Sales in my business

When you’re in business, you are in sales. No way around it.

I resisted that fact for a long time. I was so darn afraid of the “no” and what that would mean about me and the future of my business, that I wouldn’t even bother selling at all (spoiler alert: this resulted in making zero dollars).

Sound familiar?

It took me years before I realized how much you can drastically decrease “rejection” and the “no’s” when you simply understand and learn how to work with objections.

And here’s a helpful hint:

When the Sale Doesn’t Happen for you… it’s rarely a “NO!”

Have you ever considered that the reason you didn’t get the sale was simply because your prospect had a question that wasn’t addressed?

Maybe they simply had a concern. They felt afraid, not ready, too busy, or even unsupported at home.

Those are not “NOs.” They are “Not Yets”.

“Not until I know it’s right for me…”

“Not until I know I can do it…”

“Not until I know I have the money”THIS is why…

99% of All Objections are rooted in fear

Your product, program, or offer is an invitation to make a BIG CHANGE in someone’s life. That can be really freakin’ scary! So it’s only natural that your most ideal prospects would be scared!

An objection is like an elephant in the room the more you ignore it, the bigger it gets!

And maybe you too have been guilty of doing this in the past? I know I have! You hope that if you ignore the objection, question, or concern it will magically go away… but how’s that working out for ya?!

Think about it like this: how do you ever expect to get that “Yes!” when your ideal prospect has an objection you haven’t bothered to address?

You won’t! Because the objection is the very reason they aren’t saying “yes” in the first place!

Instead, I see struggling entrepreneurs using what I call…

“Loud & Noisy” Marketing: (which doesn’t actually work)

Instead of POWERFULLY addressing objections head-on, these “loud and noisy” (or “lousy” for short) marketers rely on…

Quantity over Quality Content – They believe if they simply “show up more” than their competitors, they’ll eventually say something that sticks!

Short-lived “trendy” tactics that intend to make you popular and well-liked!

Bragging about their stuff with unclear adjectives like “awesome” and “epic!”

Boasting about all their modules, high-quality videos, and fancy-looking PDFs

This may get the attention of struggling entrepeneurs, but it leaves them baffled when they make a pitch and no one buys!

The truth is:
Being “Loud and NOISY” will NEVER Actually Address The Objections Your Prospects Have!

Which means your prospects will never feel heard.

And I KNOW you got into this business because you have a message you want others to hear… but how the heck will they ever listen to you if you are unwilling to listen to them?

Because even if they have just one objection to buying… they ain’t buying!

And trust me, every business, in every niche, no matter the product or the price, has objections!

In this 3 hour masterclass, I’m going to give you a crash course in how to sniff out, address, and dismantle

There Are Just Two Types of Objections:

Universal Sales Objections are the objections and “ya-buts” we ALL get! No matter what niche, offer or price point, they are universal to all businesses!

This includes, (but is not limited to):

“It’s too expensive”
“I don’t have the time”
“I’m not ready”
“I have to ask my spouse”
“This isn’t for me”
“I can’t afford it”
“What if this doesn’t work for me?”
“How long will it take to see results?”

…fail to NOT address even just one of these, and you fail to make the sale.

In this Masterclass, I won’t just give you the full list of universal objections, I’ll give you all the options you have to dismantle them for good!

Vehicle-Specific Sales Objections are the objections and “ya-buts” unique to your niche and audience.

If you teach people how to invest in Real Estate, you’ll have objections about what it costs to get started.

If you teach fitness, you may have objections about how long, repetitive, or boring the workouts are.

If you teach “online video” (like I used to), you’ll have objections about people not wanting to be on camera.

Vehicle-Specific Objections are trickier because they tend to hide. Until you learn how to uncover and identify them, you may miss them! THIS is exactly what I’ll teach you how to do in the Masterclass!

By the End of How to Address and Overcome Any Objection Masterclass, You Will:

  • Learn my +12 effective Language Patterns for reframing and disarming even the most challenging objections!
  • How to quickly identify WHAT the biggest objections about your offer are (most are hiding in plain sight!)
  • Finally discover EXACTLY where and when you actually need to address your prospects’ objections (HINT: If you’re waiting until the pitch, it’s too late!)
  • Walk away with specific scripted responses you can plug in and use in your business immediately!
  • Learn my “ninja” method for turning objections into money-making opportunities, bonuses, and future offers! (This you’re gonna love)!
  • Plus! Get my 6-Part Content Framework for Embedding Objection Dismantlers directly into your content!

Name of Course: James Wedmore – How to Address and Overcome Any Objection Masterclass | Release Date: 2023

Sale Page: https://www.businessbydesigntraining.net/objectionmasterclass/

Author Price: $297 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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