Jessica Tutton – Facebook Ad Launch Formula

Jessica Tutton – Facebook Ad Launch Formula

Facebook Ad Launch Formula – Get the entire Facebook Ad strategy to turn your average course launch into a multi five-figure launch you can scale.

When you started your online business you probably didn’t realise being booked solid with one-to-one clients was going to cap your earning potential to the number of hours you have in a day.

The truth is, trading time for money just isn’t going to get you anywhere near close to your money goals.

That’s why you created an online course.

It’s the answer to making more money.

The answer to exponential income.

The answer to growing your business, your impact, and your profits.

Introducing Facebook Ad Launch Formula

If you want consistent income outside of your one-to-one clients…

If you want the perfect mix of your favourite one-to-one clients and launching courses that make your business $30,000 a month or more…

If you want a successful course that frees up your time, gets you out of the office and still makes money…

It all starts with Facebook Ad Launch Formula!

It’s not just about having a huge list.

It’s about getting your business in front of the right people more often.

Facebook Ads will consistently put you in front of the people who’re ready to buy right now.


You’re going to love this


Build your list with a lead magnet and upsell to start making sales STAT.

This is you collecting beautiful ideal eyeballs.


Launch your course with an event.

Because – hot tip – people get excited about events like challenges or webinar ads.

Use Facebook Ads to fill up your webinar or challenge so you’re not talking to an empty room.


Sell your course by getting it in front of the right people, including by retargeting ads.

The old adage is true: your people need to see your offer multiple times before they buy.

Let’s not leave a single client behind.

Name of Course: Jessica Tutton – Facebook Ad Launch Formula | Release Date: 2023

Sale Page:

Author Price: $1999 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

Download link hidden, please LOGIN or PURCHASE A MEMBERSHIP to view.


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