Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance

Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance

Unlocking Codes of Abundance – Life-changing 22-module process that walks you through the true energy mechanics of wealth from 7-figure 1st time business owner.

Embody the version of you who can manifest high-levels of abundance into your reality at the DNA level.

Anyone can be rich. But are you energetically aligned for it?

This program works on 3 different levels to create THE BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH of your life

    Eliminates the roots of your financial challenges at the DNA Level once and for all.
    Rewires the old subconscious programming.
    Helps you to take action steps needed to make your financial breakthrough.

Introducing Unlocking Codes of Abundance

A short and intense program that eliminates the 22 main Energy Blocks (that 98% of people have) from your Energy Field and activates your Abundance Codes at a DNA Level.

It’s an immersive journey where you will burn ALL YOUR OLD PATTERNS around money and will rise into your new reality.

No hours-long theory or tools that don’t work.

Only powerful energy clearings and practical exercises that will shift you into a new reality.

This program is NOT about learning.

It’s about releasing your blocks and shifting into a new reality. FOR GOOD.

Name of Course: Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance | Release Date: 2024

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Author Price: $555 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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