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Ian Stanley – List Snowball Course


List Snowball Course – How To Add Dozens to Hundreds of Email Subscribers to Your List Every Single Day..

Release Date: 2024
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Author Price: $397 | Our Price: $24.95 Or Free For Lifetime Members

List Snowball Course – How To Add Dozens to Hundreds of Email Subscribers to Your List Every Single Day

Ian Stanley wants to show you his unique method of growing email list subscribers day after day. Week after week. Year after year.

His method is to build an email list using paid ads.

But make your money back within 7 days on the ads you buy.

That way you’re essentially getting paid to build your list.

He’s calling it the “List Snowball” method because your list builds on itself day after day.

And becomes more profitable over time.

It’s the method he uses to add 100 to 200 new email subscribers to my list every day…profitably.

And he has done it for years.

The List Snowball Course

The 5 questions to ask yourself before you create ANY opt in page.

(Without these you’re just operating on hope and might. It might work. It might not.)

How to use a “Ghost YouTube” Channel to find out exactly what your audience wants.

(This is free to set up and one of the most useful things you’ll ever do.)

The 8 things you can test in your ads to boost conversions.

(Hint: Just changing your shirt can change conversions.)

The 8 places you can split test in a funnel to make more money.

(Almost no one tests #5 but it’s a game changer.)

The ONE ad that’s outperformed everything else for almost 2 years.

(It took me one minute to film it on my iphone.)

How to create ads even if you never want to be on camera.

The “milk chugging” secret for high-performing ads.

(This is so weird but it’s made him six figures this year alone.)

The “two things at once” psychology principle that boosts ad conversions.

The “ad to lander” congruency trick that gets me a 69% opt in rate to cold traffic.


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