Sarah Titus – Million Dollar Shop

Sarah Titus – Million Dollar Shop

Million Dollar Shop is like a roadmap, a blueprint if you will, to building your own empire on Shopify.

Without it, you won’t make nearly as much as you will if you have all your ducks in a row. After completing this course, you will have a solid foundation in which to build your products around.

Your store is like a map…you’re either leading them to BUY or leading them to LEAVE!!!

Do you want your dreams to come true?

Seems like a silly question, right? Of COURSE, we all want our dreams to come true and we want a quicker, faster, easier way to get there…a map, someone to hold our hand as we walk through uncharted territory.

Just as YOU want YOUR dreams to come true, so do your customers!

You have to show your customers that you can solve their problem, help them achieve their dream WITH YOUR product.

If you can’t, they leave and you don’t get YOUR dream.

See in product creation, YOUR dream is ALL ABOUT HELPING THEM CREATE THEIRS!!!!

What You’ll Learn In Million Dollar Shop:

  • Welcome
  • You Need the Right Tools
  • Setting a Rock Solid Foundation
  • Creating a Homepage That Converts
  • Creating a Store That Converts
  • Products: Your Biggest Asset
  • Easy Guide to SEO
  • Collections, Connections, and Compensation
  • Shopify Legality, Disclaimers, Refunds, and Bylines
  • Top Must Have Apps
  • Getting the Heart Right Before You Market
  • Dream Big, Be Unique, Live Generously
  • Marketing Your New Passion
  • All About Customer Reviews
  • The Confidence to Win
  • Finding the Hidden Ways to Succeed
  • Case Studies
  • Bonus: Free Q&A Coaching Sessions

Name of Course: Sarah Titus – Million Dollar Shop | Release Date: 2024

Sale Page:

Author Price: $1997 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

Download link hidden, please LOGIN or PURCHASE A MEMBERSHIP to view.


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