Trading Dominion – Portfolio Investing

Trading Dominion – Portfolio Investing

Portfolio Investing – Get steady and consistent returns with low drawdowns, spending just 20 mins per month

So what’s stopping you?

If you’re interested in finance, you’ve likely flipped through a book on investing or perhaps checked out some blogs about portfolio management, but found it all a bit too complicated.

Variance, standard deviation, co-variance, beta, correlation, Sharpe ratio, Martin ratio, Value at risk, efficient frontier, risk parity, etc. The list goes on an on, and nobody is clearly explaining what these things are in simple terms that a normal human can understand.

This is a big reason as to why most people end up finding it all too difficult and then just give their money to mutual funds or hedge funds, and then resort to just crossing their fingers hoping that they haven’t made a terrible mistake.

It’s time to make a change

What’s inside Trading Dominion – Portfolio Investing?

The main aim of this course is to explain all of those technical financial terms in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

Many of the concepts are explained visually, and we focus on understanding the core idea without getting deep into the weeds.

We focus on things that are practical, and are later applied onto the analysis of real portfolios.

We will build some spreadsheets together, step by step, in order to make sure that the concepts and calculations are fully understood and internalized.

We’ll make use of some extremely powerful and functional online tools that can automate much of the portfolio analysis, and all without needing to write a single line of code.

In the course we’ll cover around a dozen or so pre-made portfolios that you can start off with. Additional portfolios and trading strategy ideas will be added over time, as our community continues to grow and share ideas.

Name of Course: Trading Dominion – Portfolio Investing | Release Date: 2024

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Author Price: $397 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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