The Zero to $300 Per Day Live Case Study – “Watch Me Take a Brand New Affiliate Business from ZERO to $300 PER DAY in Profit Right in Front of Your Eyes!”<\/p>\n
If you’re looking to make money online using nothing but free traffic, you’re outta luck here.<\/p>\n
Free traffic sucks for three reasons:<\/p>\n
It’s NOT fast…<\/p>\n
It’s NOT consistent…<\/p>\n
It’s NOT scalable.<\/p>\n
Having used both free and paid traffic throughout my time online…<\/p>\n
I’ve learned if you want to make money online FAST…<\/p>\n
And, continue to make consistent money online…<\/p>\n
Paid traffic is required. Period. End of story.<\/p>\n
For that reason, I will ONLY be using paid traffic in this case study.<\/p>\n
I’ll tell you a bit more about the traffic source in a sec.<\/p>\n
First, let’s talk about how much of an ad budget you need…<\/p>\n
If you can’t afford to spend AT LEAST $10\/day (preferably $20\/day) on paid traffic, this is NOT for you.<\/p>\n
Those are some pretty dang impressive results.<\/p>\n
\u00bb 290 visitors<\/p>\n
\u00bb 146 subscribers (at the time the Aweber screenshot was taken)<\/p>\n
\u00bb 50.34% opt-in rate<\/p>\n
A fifty percent opt-in rate?! That’s NUTS!<\/p>\n
I’m still in awe of those numbers…<\/p>\n
And, those aren’t even 100% accurate!!<\/p>\n
Like, seriously?!<\/p>\n
It’s incredibly RARE to get an opt-in rate that high from cold traffic (aside from something like internet marketing solo ads where people already know they’re gonna have to opt-in).<\/p>\n
Just crazy.<\/p>\n
This is the traffic source I’ll be using in The Zero to $300 Per Day Live Case Study.<\/p>\n
Name of Course:<\/strong> The Zero to $300 Per Day Live Case Study – Duston McGroarty | Release Date: 2021<\/p>\n
Sale Page:<\/strong> https:\/\/\/zeroto300perdaycasestudy\/<\/a><\/p>\n
Author Price: $497<\/span><\/strong> | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS<\/span>