Kim Krause Schwalm – Million Dollar Controls

Million-Dollar Controls

Million Dollar Controls by Kim Krause Schwalm – For those who want to discover hundreds of A-list secrets to writing multi-million-dollar, royalty-paying controls.

Get ready to say “goodbye” to the “flat-fee project grind” and formulaic, “me, too” copy…and “heck, yeah!” to the potential for 4 and 5-figure royalty checks and more free time to spend the way YOU want!

In my Million Dollar Control Breakdown Master Class,

you’ll discover closely-kept A-list copy secrets I’ve used to…

  • Beat legendary copywriters, like Jim Rutz, Parris Lampropoulos, and many other top copywriters whose names you’d likely recognize. I was able to beat these “legends” even when I was just starting out and they were at the peak of their careers. And in this master class, I reveal how you can beat more experienced copywriters you go against, too…even if you’ve only written a handful of promos in the past. (It’s like getting an “unfair” advantage!)
  • Cut my writing time in HALF while pumping out winning controls in as little as five days. It helped that I knew my market. It helped that I’m a beast when it comes to research (I’ll reveal my best sources). And it especially helped that I was about to jet off on a three-week vacation in Europe. So I had to get this one promo I’ll be breaking down for you done…and it’s STILL working like gangbusters and paying me fat royalties nearly 3 years later! You, too, can use these secrets to cut down your writing time and meet even the most insane deadlines.
  • Keep clients lined up at my door and booking me months in advance. Just like most copywriters, I struggled at first to get high-quality clients. But it only took one or two controls for word to spread. Before long, I was so swamped with clients I was able to book projects up to a year or more in advance—collecting 50% advances just to secure time on my schedule. In my Million-Dollar Control Breakdown Master Class, I’ll show you how to produce your own “hot” controls that turn into client bait—and put an end to the “feast or famine” cycle in your freelance business.
  • Create dozens of multi-million-dollar controls in some of the most competitive and highest-paying niches in the industry. Some of these controls have been paying me big royalties for nearly a decade—and are still going strong. And now every secret, every tactic, and every strategy I used to create these successful controls can be yours to use and profit from!

The truth is, this master class isn’t for everyone. That’s because this isn’t a quick shot-in-the-arm or magic bullet that lets you dump out formulaic, “me-too” copy that only lasts a few months….

This is for copywriters and offer owners who want to get the “A-list edge” and write unbeatable controls!

Name of Course: ​Million Dollar Controls – Kim Krause Schwalm | Release Date: 2021

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Author Price: $697 | Our Price: FREE FOR VIP MEMBERS

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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