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Karla Marie – Fiction Profits Academy 3.0


Release Date: 2022
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Author Price: $1995 | Our Price: $27.95 Or Free For Lifetime Members

Fiction Profits Academy 3.0 is an online course that teaches aspiring writers how to write, publish, and market their own fiction books.

The course is designed to help writers turn their passion for writing into a profitable career.

The Fiction Profits Academy 3.0 course covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Writing techniques: The course teaches writers how to develop their writing skills and create compelling stories that will resonate with readers.
  2. Publishing: The course covers the ins and outs of self-publishing, including how to format and upload a book to Amazon and other platforms.
  3. Marketing: The course teaches writers how to promote their books and build an audience of loyal readers, including strategies for book launches, social media marketing, and email marketing.
  4. Monetization: The course provides strategies for monetizing a writing career, including ways to generate income from book sales, courses, coaching, and other products and services.

The Fiction Profits Academy 3.0 course includes video lessons, workbooks, and live coaching sessions with Karla Marie and other successful authors. The course is designed to be self-paced, so students can work through the material at their own speed.

Overall, the Fiction Profits Academy 3.0 is a comprehensive and practical guide to building a successful writing career. It is suitable for both beginner and experienced writers who want to turn their passion for writing into a profitable business.


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