Wilco De Kreij – ConnectIQ Academy

ConnectIQ Academy

ConnectIQ Academy – Create and Scale Profitable Facebook Ads.

The last Facebook Ads training you’ll ever need. It’s a 6-week training program to create and scale profitable Facebook Ads.

What’s Inside ConnectIQ Academy:

Module 01: The Ads Foundation

In the first module, I’ll lay out the foundation for running profitable Facebook advertising campaigns…

  • Why (and when) to use multiple Facebook Pages.
  • How to set up your Facebook Ads account (so you won’t get banned).
  • How to choose the OPTIMAL sales funnel type.
  • The 8 BIG Facebook advertising mistakes that you MUST avoid.
  • How to set up your Facebook pixel correctly. (Hint: Get this wrong and your conversion rate will fall)
  • The proper mindset you need to advertise at a profit. (Caution: Most people underestimate the importance of “mental attitude.”)
  • Which Ad Metrics you need to focus your attention on. (Tip: Beginners almost always make testing & tracking harder than it really is.)
  • The best way to structure your campaigns for MAXIMUM profit.

Module 02: The Perfect Ad

In this module, I’ll focus on creating ads (along with all the templates you’ll need)…

  • How to determine the most effective “hook” for your ad. (Tip: Using a hook helps make your ad unique, so it will stand out and grab attention.)
  • When to use the various ad formats for improved results.
  • The 5 AD TYPES your campaigns can use… and when to use them.
  • The 8 BIG Facebook advertising mistakes that you MUST avoid.How to “spy” on your competitors. (Hint: Advertising is COMPETITIVE. That’s why ethical spying is necessary to gain the advantage.)
  • Which IMAGE ADS perform best… and how to create them quickly and easily.
  • A walk-through of a VIDEO ADS CASE STUDY… look over my shoulder as I explain what works and why.
  • How to write compelling STORY-BASED ADS. (Tip: Story Ads are one of my SECRET WEAPONS. Inside, I’ll show you why.)
  • How to leverage “meme” videos… and make them SELL.
  • How to DOUBLE your conversions by adding a simple 5-second “video overlay” to your ads.

Module 03: Targeting Secrets

In this module, you’ll learn the art of targeting your best prospects…

  • How to discover EXACTLY who your best prospects are. (Tip: You MUST get this right.)
  • How creating your ideal “customer avatar” will help boost your sales (and the fastest, easiest way to do it).
  • How to find the BEST audiences in ANY market. (Note: I cover this in-depth, with multiple videos — it’s important!)
  • How to determine who your COMPETITORS are targeting (so you can emulate them).
  • How to find… and when to use… specific audiences. (I’ll run you through it step-by-step.)
  • A clever way of using “unusual behavior” to target PRIME prospects.
  • The “White Ocean Targeting” trick to scale your ads. (Hint: Scaling is one of the reasons why paid advertising is superior to SEO.)

Module 04: Retargeting Secrets

Module 05: Budget, Bidding and Scaling

Module 06: Execution Blueprint

Name of Course: Wilco De Kreij – ConnectIQ Academy | Release Date: 2018

Sale Page: https://www.grabltd.com/connectiq-academy/

Author Price: $297 | Our Price: Free For VIP Members

Delivery Method: Free Download (Mega)

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